Luciana McCadden

Luciana McCadden
I love God and Life

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sabado a noite

Eu e minha filha linda


Great game Seahawks!!!!!!!Que bom comemorei a vitoria do Seahawks com o chocolate que a  minha aluna me deu.Delicioso.

Monday, October 26, 2015

"La Dentro Da Mata USA 2015 foi um sucesso em Seattle.

"La Dentro Da Mata USA" foi um sucesso em Seattle.🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Zumba Luciana Mccadden Thanks for the opportunity

Our Team

lucianna 2


Luciana McCadden is a professional actress and dancer from Brazil Rio De Janeiro. She has a passion for dance in general and can teach both Zumba and Brazillian Samba.
Dancing has brought many interesting and unique experiences to Luciana’s life, including dancing in in Sir-Mix-a Lot’s music video “Be Careful What you Wish For” and Telemundo, a Spanish TV (Game show.)
She has experience in the USA as an actor and dancer. In 2011 she had a lead role in the Burien Little Theater production of  the play “The Clean House. You also might have seen her as a model at KING5 New Day Northwest. Coming up in Luciana’s agenda will be “La Dentro da Mata,” a Brazilian kids play coming up at the Kirkland Performance Center on 10/11/2015, be sure to go see her show!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

La Dentro Da Mata 10/11/2015 3:00PM KIRKLAND PERFORMANCE CENTER!!!

A Kids play full of adventure! Join Poty, Airy and Jururu in their adventure deep inside the Amazon! The play in in Brazilian Portuguese, however very easy for anyone to follow. Come learn and experience the Brazilian culture in a very fun way!!

La Dentro da Mata A Brazilian Kids Play full of Adventure/ fundraiser

Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Simplicidade da Vida

Faça o que for necessário para ser feliz. Mas não se esqueça que a felicidade é um sentimento simples, você pode encontrá-la e deixá-la ir embora por não perceber sua simplicidade.

Às vezes ouço passar o vento; e só de ouvir o vento passar, vale a pena ter nascido.